This does not surprise me. Poor battery quality seems to plague e-bikes with after market kits (and others). BUT there is a failure in relation of the sellers - Amazon and Ebay sell this risky shit all the time with no come back. Maybe they should be forced to take responsibility - and that includes criminal liability.
We notice @ternbicycles hasn’t posted on Mastodon about this, so we’re sharing this news with the Fediverse: Tern Bicycles has a new (Gen 3, 2025 model) Tern GSD, "Our Best Cargo eBike for Families.”
If our kids were still young, and budget allowed, we’d love to have one! Check them out: BTW, we got a kick out of clicking their day/night option—and that photo made us wish libraries had Terns for bookmobiles!
The new GSD comes with ABS.
"Review: Tern GSD S10 (Gen 3) | electric bike reviews, buying advice and news - ebiketips"
My latest blog post: Low Tech Prototyping
My existing prototypes are too big to fit on the bike, so I turn to one of my favourite low tech prototyping methods; 1:1 scale models in card and fibreboard!
Does anyone else have the experience where while you’re riding an #ebike it really doesn’t feel like you’re working hard but when you get off it turns out your legs are now just rubber bands??
New NSW laws to regulate e-bike batteries after hundreds of fires and multiple deaths
Fire and Rescue NSW say 384 lithium-ion battery incidents since 2024 caused at least 33 injuries
This needs to go nationwide
Our last paper is out
"E-bikes and travel behaviour change: systematic review of experimental studies with meta-analyses"
Free access:
"meta-analysis reveals a significant difference of 5 km travelled daily after the interventions between participants that got access to an e-bike compared to those from control groups with no e-bikes, reflecting a substantial increase of 26% in e-bike mode share "
#BikeStreak Day 75:
I awoke early and saw on the radar the snow was about to start. As I had a couple essential items needed, I decided to dress quickly and jump on my #ebike to go to the grocery store before dawn and snow, for 6 miles. With the cloud cover it was still mostly dark. The wind was strong out of the Northeast and the temperature was falling. I guess our chance of more rain than snow is diminishing. It might be an interesting day given the blizzard warning.
My Faithful Steed and her shadow. It took a little creativity to get the entire shadow in there, surprisingly. Nevertheless, we persisted. A bright, breezy day.
#BikeTooter #TernBikes #ebike #HalfMoonBay #cycling
It seems to me like the Venn diagram of #EBike people and #Cycling people doesn't have a lot of overlap, and that's simultaneously a good thing and a bad thing.
The good thing is that it means that e-bikes are getting a lot of people in the saddle who otherwise wouldn't ride a bike. It's an important part of breaking the stranglehold of car-dependency.
The bad thing is that it seems like the people talking about e-bikes don't have a good understanding of the fundamentals of bicycles or cycling. They don't have the experience. Reviews don't seem to be especially helpful, and I worry that these bikes won't get the basic maintenance that they need.
A bit more imagery of (very) rural roads and a couple of flat photos of heritage sites. 4 hours of uploading and classifying, such fun. #panoramax #wikimedia #ebike
#BikeStreak Day 71:
Back to reality. We had plummeting temperatures and increasing wind, so I went out before it could get worse. I rode my #ebike to Silver Lake and then Cascade Lake to see what our record warmth yesterday did to the lake ice, and the ice is completely gone. But the ride wasn't comfortable, as there was rain, then sleet, then light snow, and by the end my hands and feet were cold.
I think I'll just stay in and watch hockey this afternoon.
Nová konfigurace solární stříšky byla neuvěřitelnou shodou okolností přizvána na výstavu For Bike v Letňanech. Jsem s tím ale zatím spokojen jen vzhledově. Konstrukci střechy jsem odlehčil odhadem o 10 kg, ale bohužel, pro změnu teď není dostatečně pevná...
Shout out to our GREAT friends down at #BowCycleEbikes in #EastVillage who've donated some of their great rides for our #HubAndSpokes bike events from the very start & offer a 30% #Ebike rental discount and 10% off purchases of non-sale eBikes for Hub members!!! #yyc
Did a lot of pruning this spring. (Final load of 4) #cargobike #LarryvsHarry #ebike
#SunsetCruise after today’s storm.
#BikeTooter #cycling #ebike @TernBikes #HalfMoonBay
Shortening my Lyric fork steerer tube with a pipe cutter. Marin Pine Mountain eTrail bike project build.