@michal @chiptronCZ Elektronika, já jsem bych schopný spálit i dean connector Dal jsem to až na druhý pokus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmhKIaH3vH4
Teď se chystám vyměnit baterie v holicím strojku. #diy
@michal @chiptronCZ Elektronika, já jsem bych schopný spálit i dean connector Dal jsem to až na druhý pokus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmhKIaH3vH4
Teď se chystám vyměnit baterie v holicím strojku. #diy
It’s not easy, and it’s not as simple as clicking “sign up” and walking into a ready-made community
Q: Very interested in what you have to say. I've been trying to find a place in the #Fediverse that's not in thrall to big tech. How do I join up? #OMN #OpenWeb. Hungry, feed me! A: This is harder than it should be, and that itself is a telling sign of where we are right now. The #Fediverse is a fascinating, messy, and diverse space, but much of it is still trapped in the gravity of the #dotcons. What you’ll mostly find are either clones of corporate social media—Twitter-like, […]Welche Inhalte sollte ein #Steckersolar Selber Machen Magazin haben? Wir freuen uns auf eure Kommentare und Hinweise - soll aber nur 20 DIN A4 Seiten lang sein!
Jeder Quadratmeter zählt, kann man auch so interpretieren. Gesehen in #heidelberg #Neuenheim
Im Erdgeschoss stehen auch noch drei #solarmodule
Converted one of my #fish scratch paper sketches into an impromptu birthday card.
TAŃCEM I KRZYKIEM – Unicorn Partisans [TechnoCrust] Kowelskie Psy [electropunk] Trotyl [tekno tribe]
#antifa, #bialorus, #discopunk, #elektropunk, #kowelskiepsy, #lipsk, #queer, #technocrust, #tekno, #unicornpartisans, #warszawa, #wroclaw #music #muzyka #diy #sxe #noAlcoGig
Another DIY video, Salty Beard goes into more detail on how he designs and sews a fork bag. I like the “coffee bag" bottom design.
my buddy drummer YJul playing some sick 16 hi hat (that I made for him)
great #musiciansday!
I like how Morgan rigged the bag to snug in and clip to the back rack using tire levers. He has an earlier video of making the triangle frame bag, just learning as he goes.
Tutti i Giovedì dalle 18:00 è aperta la Sala Prove e Studio di Autoproduzione Audio dello squat, per maggiori informazioni contattaci tramite i nostri canali!
Day 19: I got the wagon up in the air for the first time! And discovered the difference between a lifetime California car (the 530i) and one that's spent good chunks of its life in places like Massachusetts and Seattle (the wagon).
Was planning to remove the exhaust, but couldn't even get started; the four nuts that attach the exhaust to the manifold studs are super rusty. One broke off, which is fine, but the others wouldn't budge. #WeirdCarMastodon #WrenchEveryDay #DIY #BMW #EngineSwap #E39
On to the fingerboard for the #Bass project. Made from a piece of Bubinga I’ve had for many years with Total Boat epoxy inlays, I’m installing the frets here using my drill press and an eBay fret press caul. The frets are precut and radiused from Bitter Root Guitars. #maker #pghmaker #diy #luthier #bassguitar #wood #woodworking #cnc #empireofdust
Second part of the ten-month Gift Box build
Solved the most complicated engineering part of the build here with the two clutched gears driving the sector gear
V. is away visiting #Funcik. Check out the weird happy grin he does when he's really excited. No, it's not a snarl, he's smiling - perhaps something he learnt from humans.
Meanwhile I'm using the opportunity to shift the furniture out of the living room, scrub the floors and then lay down that cheapest of carpets we bought a while ago.
An interim solution for X years until we get around to tearing up the floor and putting in a new one.
Whoop, ihr Märzbunnys! Am Samstag, dem 29.3.25, ist ab 17.00 Uhr wieder #VersponnenerSalon (offenes Online-Treffen für #Crafting aller Art, LGBTQ+-friendly) - freue mich auf euch!
ACHTUNG: Wir treffen uns auf Jitsi! Schickt mir ne PN, ich schicke dann den Link zum Meetingraum! #Handarbeitstreffen #DIY
Unverbindliche Einladung:
Ich hab hier noch nicht die üblichen Verdächtigen zusammen. Meldet euch einfach, dann wandert ihr auf meine Liste für den monatlichen Reminder. (Gleiches, wenn ihr runter wollt.) Alle anderen: Fühlt euch bitte eingeladen, bitte! Newbies welcome!
Hey Fediverse, endlich stelle ich mich mal vor. #neuhier
Bin durch den #38C3 hier gelandet. Ich interessiere mich für Datenschutz, DIY, fürs Klima und kollektive Organisationsformen.
Empfehlt mir gerne Accounts die mir gefallen könnten. Und hat wer Tipps für gute #meme Accounts auf Mastodon?
#diy #queer #climatecrisis #161
Here's a couple of free plans. Running belt would be a good one to try first, nothing extra just a simple belt for holding the phone. Maybe replace zipper with a tab of velcro, since I want to quickly grab/stow the phone to take photos.
Running belt (for phone):
Stem bag:
Now that I have a whole afternoon of sewing machine experience I'm branching out into bigger projects. You know, like making bike frame bags.
LearnMYOG sells patterns (plus free ones) and videos talk you through how to sew all of the elements.
Six Rolling Wheels sells completed bags, their videos more meditative.
#BikeTooter #sewing #DIY