Every time I see such masterclass of bouldering I ask myself, 'When will he/she be able to follow a fly on the ceiling, like a gekko?'
Went #bouldering this morning and finally topped the fb5 route I'd been trying my hands on for a while. The trick was to do it more towards the start of the session when I still had strength left
The stars also aligned and all four of us were there today!
Went #bouldering again today, slowly getting back into my habit.
The knee is still giving me trouble, so today I decided to wear my brace. Didn't help much with the pain but helped a lot with trust. And it gave me less trouble than last week at least
Pierwszy tak wiosenny weekend i wycieczka w skały na baldy.
Piaskowce to jednak potrafią w tarcie i zdzieranie skóry.
Było mega! Dobre zmęczenie, doborowe towarzystwo i kilka dodatków do OSM.
Und als letztes noch die hier, dann war erstmal Sense mit der Kraft. Alle drei direkt hintereinander. Das hier war eher ein klassischer Power Boulder #bouldern #bouldering
Als nächstes eine die noch ein bisschen mehr Gleichgewicht und Fingerkraft gebraucht hat. Insbesondere das Ende war hier kniffelig. #bouldern #Bouldering
Das ich gestern zwei Solar Module und eine ebenso große Palette in den 2. Stock getragen hab, hab ich heute beim Bouldern schon gemerkt^^. Trotzdem ein paar schöne Routen geschafft. Zuerst eine Route die vor allem Gleichgewicht und Flexibilität gefordert hat.
#bouldern #bouldering
Another extreeemely cool day today. Went with a friend, bouldered to our hearts content, actually topping a few routes at the top end of our current skill level and with lots of toying around. Then after we were pretty much powered out, met somebody who was quite fresh and seemed like nice company, so we continued another ... uh ... two hours. Including some hangboarding and so. Veeery long but satisfying and nice session
*Finally* fit enough again to go #bouldering today. Though my knee that's been giving me trouble for the past days got quite angry, and I'll probably suffer from Soreness of Doom come tomorrow
Had to take it slow, quite out of shape after the forced break, but at least I made it!
G-Force bouldering comp today at Gravity climbing gym in Dublin. Came in 30th out of a bit over 200 people. Not too shabby for an old guy who desperately needs a haircut #bouldering #bouldetinglife
More Bouldering! Today was amazing: I managed my first "6"! The red running route I wrote about a few days ago actually has 3 starts: a 4, a "jumping" 5 and a pogo/running start 6. Today I managed the 6! Also this one turqoise sloper 5 that was really hard in a few places, that I´ve been working on for 1.5 weeks I finally managed to top today! What´s more a ugly balance "5" with a very high crux, and TWO routes in total roof. Wow, what a day!
Just watched the gameplay trailer of Cairn and got reminded that I wanted to give the demo a try.
Looks like this game will be something for me ^^ Triggers similar parts of my brain as when I'm #bouldering, but I can also play it when my vertigo is preventing me from the real thing (like recently).
Took me a while to get up the last tutorial wall but it helped figuring out the controls ^^
Howdy fellow climbers, little money saving tip: resole your climbing shoes. Costs about 50 euros instead of a new pair.